Our Volunteer Work
Over the past ten years, Dr. Brede and Dr. Ciapciak have volunteered their clinical skills at the Agape AIDS Orphan Care Orphanage in Hyderabad, India. This Orphanage is unique in its mission to care for children affected by or afflicted with HIV in a community where these orphaned children are neglected due to fears of social stigma, contagion and higher living expenses. Find out more about the orphanage here: https://agapeorphans.org/
Both doctors have donated their time, expertise, love, and personal funds in order to build a fully functional dental clinic overseas. With the help of local hired dentists, and staff, our doctors are able to treat all 300 Agape orphans in 6 long clinic days performing procedures ranging from routine hygiene visits and exams to surgical extractions and root canals. We also teach several 10th grade students to be “clinic helpers” each year- helping them learn basic valuable skills and exposing them to the dental field as a future career option.
When our doctors are not on site in Hyderabad, Dr. Brede serves as an Agape Board of Trustees member. Dr. Ciapciak serves as the American Operations Committee Chairperson and social media and marketing coordinator. Ask them about their experiences, next time you visit our Needham office!